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If you would like to reserve one of our puppies, we ask for a nonrefundable $250 deposit.  We accept checks, cashier checks or Cash App.  Please text me at 910-682-8055 or email me at and I will provide you with the necessary information so you can reserve your puppy.

Contract for Sale 

Golden Meadows Farm

Breeders of Quality Golden Retrievers

David and Jodi Meadows

910-682-8055 or 910-429-4644


Contract for Sale

The following agreement is between David and Jodi Meadows (breeder), hereafter referred to as "Seller," and _______________________, hereafter referred to as "Purchaser."

In consideration of a purchase price of __________, of which $250 is a non-refundable deposit, and the Seller transfers all rights, privileges and responsibilities associated with the ownership of the Male/Female AKC dog of the Golden Retriever breed to the Purchaser as of the date and time specified below. As agreed between the Seller and Purchaser, this puppy is being sold with a pet registration and not for breeding purposes. Seller guarantees the dog is guaranteed free of birth defects and hereditary disease for one year from time of sale. Hips, eyes, and heart are guaranteed healthy for six months from time of sale.This contract is null and void if purchaser does not take puppy to first vet visit within 72 hours of purchase as noted below.

In the event of emergence of any above condition subsequent to the sale of the dog, Seller binds herself/himself to the following:

A. Replace the dog with one of equivalent quality, determined by Seller, from the first available litter bred by the Seller if

a. The genetic condition is sufficiently serious in the opinion of two qualified veterinarians, at least one of whom is selected by the Seller, to warrant the dog is seriously debilitated for life.

b. You must provide an original copy of your puppy’s registration completed in ownership of purchaser as named.

B. Upon return of the debilitated dog and all health, registration, and important records, allow a credit toward the purchase of another dog from Seller.

C. If purchaser chooses to keep a debilitated dog, there will be no money refunded to the purchaser: however, the Seller will allow the purchase of a new puppy of equal value at half of the current selling price upon proof of spay/neuter of above dog.

Seller is in no way responsible for any medical or veterinary expenses incurred by the new owner of this puppy/dog following its transfer.

This contract is non-transferable.


The seller gives the purchaser a welcome home policy on all dogs. If, during the lifetime of your dog, you decide for any reason not to keep the dog or find a home for the dog, we request that you notify Golden Meadows Farm, which will have first option to relocate the dog rather than have the dog go to a rescue organization.


We the undersigned have read, understand, and agree with the terms of this contract.

Date and Time of Signature - Purchaser __________________________________

Email - Purchaser                                   __________________________________

Phone Number - Purchaser                    __________________________________

Date and Time of Signature - Seller       ___________________________________________

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